
Black Water

Black Water

Black water is the component of sewage or domestic wastewater which is the wastewater used to flush toilets and contains human wastes. Black water holds many viruses and bacteria that are not only harmful to people but can also be harmful to the environment.  When left untreated it can leech into the ground and contaminate ground water supplies as well as having a negative effect on flora and fauna.  This can even lead to the death of aquatic life and terrestrial life.  This makes it even more important to properly treat black water.


Typical sewage treatment processes are also used to treat black water.  Similar to typical sewage treatment, the treatment process is separated into primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment.  The majority of nutrient, organic and inorganic contaminant removal takes place in the secondary treatment wherein popular attached growth and suspended growth biological systems are used to treat black water.

Bio Reactor

A bioreactor is a vessel that carries out a chemical process which involves biological organisms and active substances to break down harmful substances found in sewage. Here are three examples of biological reactors:

Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR)

The Membrane Bio Reactor combines biodegradation and membrane separation into a single process.  The MBR can come in a variety of sizes and can even be containerised for ease of deployment.

Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR)

The SBR has a five step process and is a treatment system that works best with low, fluctuating or intermittent water flow.  It is a low cost and simple option for black water treatment.

Trickling Biological Filters

The removal of pollutants from the wastewater stream involves both absorption and adsorption of organic compounds by the layer of microbial biofilm growing on a filter media with very high surface area to volume ratio.

There are several options of treating black water. Please contact us if you have questions on this or if you are looking for wastewater treatment.