
Tag Archives: Waste Water Treatment

What are the benefits of recycling wastewater for business?

For commercial and industrial operations, the call to recycle water develops for a number of reasons. This might be due to high usage levels, the high costs of fresh water, high levels of wastewater production or perhaps a shortage of water in remote areas. And while much of the conversation around recycled water focuses on […]

Water Treatment Chemicals

Water Treatment Chemicals Coagulation, Flocculation, Disinfection and pH Control are an essential part of wastewater treatment. Along with biological and physical treatment processes, chemical processes trigger chemical reactions to achieve various standards of water. Enviro Concepts will analyse client needs and recommend the right chemical dosing regimen for you in our water treatment discharge or […]

Types of Effluent Treatment Plants

Enviroconcepts, wash pads, Transport Industry

2 Types of Effluent treatment plants you should know about Waste water treatment needs to be taken seriously. We have very strict guidelines in place and the consequence of breaking these guidelines can lead to significant fines and loss of income. Waste water treatment removes contaminants from waste water for the purpose of reuse or […]